The BNF Verification Service

This is a universal syntax verification utility for syntax specifications written in Backus-Naur Form (BNF). Select syntax specification(s) and symbol that should be used for verification, enter text to verify and click the "Get Results" button. The application checks if the text conforms to the syntax specification(s) given.

Syntax specification to use
Domain Names - Implementation And Specification
Preferred name syntax
Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
ABNF Definition of ABNF
Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
Core Rules
URLs for Telephone Calls
"tel" URL scheme
SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
Augmented BNF for the SIP Protocol
Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
ABNF Definition of ABNF
Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
Core Rules

Some specification is not listed here? Tell us.
Symbol to use
Text to verify


Privacy statement: Data you enter in this form will be removed immediately after the completing the verification report.

Syntax specification to use
Select what specifications the text has to conform, and/or upload a custom syntax specification. (A file describing the BNF grammar.) The pre-defined specifications have been copy-pasted from RFC documents and other standards.
Symbol to use
Define what symbol will be checked. The symbol must be defined in one of the selected syntax specifications. If you double-click some syntax specification, this field will be completed with a main symbol from the respective specification.
Text to verify
Define what text should be checked for compliance to selected syntax specifications.

The custom syntax specification may may contain line comments with the following tags (see BNF Parser² documentation for more defails):

; !syntax("abnf")
Indicates BNF variant used in the specification. (A file describing a syntax of the BNF grammar.) Syntax specifications uploaded via this form must include a single !syntax tag.
The value may be "abnf" or "abnf-rfc1035". This refers to the ABNF variant defined in RFC 2234/4234 (file abnf.conf), or the ABNF variant used in RFC 1035 (file abnf-rfc1035.conf). If you need more, please, tell us.
; !import("ALPHA", "CHAR", "DIGIT", "rfc2234-6.1.abnf")
Imports symbol(s) defined in another specification. Syntax specifications uploaded via this form may only reference the .abnf specifications listed above.
; !import("rfc2234-6.1.abnf")
Imports all symbols defined in a given specification.

Powered by BNF Parser². Credits Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITI) research center, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno and ANF DATA spol. s r.o., Siemens IT Solutions and Services, PSE Czech Republic.

Web interface © 2007 ANF DATA spol. s r.o.