Java GUI interface to the MACEK program

User documentation

This is a Java applet, which offers a GUI for client-server computing with the MACEK program. MacekGui capabilities in brief: command editor, history, matrix editor, (unsecured) small file storage - needs login, output and error browser...

Applet's appearance.


List few last commands. Select the line you want to re-run. Stored only in memory.

Historie v²poctu.

Popup menu

Popup menu for text fields of arguments offers function for work with them.

Popup menu for work with arguments.

MACEK error output

Window shows MACEK's error output. Prints the file storing few last commands and the error output content.

Window shows error output.

User's files on the server

Window for browsing user's files, that are stored on the server in directories relative to chosen login. Not secured at all!

Window for browsing user's files.

MACEK's documentation

Window for browsing MACEK documentation in HTML.

Window for browsing MACEK's documentation.

Martix editor

Martix editor enables basic work with matrices. It remembers all matrices, which were created by command "new" or were downloaded by command "download". After editing matrix, move cursor to another cell, so it records final typing.

Matrix editor.

New matrix and Matrix Properties

Dialog windows "New matrix" and "Matix properties" have same choices.

New matrix.

Download matrix

After filling dialog window, matrix is downloaded.

Download matrix.